Become a Dealer "*" indicates required fields Owner or authorized representative* Title Primary phone number*Email address* About your business:Legal business name* Dba (if applicable) Federal tax id (ein)* Address (street, city, state, zip)* Website address Number of years in businessIs current ownership the original ownership? if no, how many years has current ownership owned the business?* Are you a brick & mortar store, online store, or both?* If brick & mortar, how many locations? What are the hours of operation? State or country of incorporation* Business type?* Corporation Partnership Sole Proprietorship LLC (Limited Liability Company) Has your business ever filed for bankruptcy?* Yes No Store Size in Sq. Ft. (If Applicable) Number of employees Percentage of annual sales from ammunition or reloading supplies Estimated annual sales of first breach products (usd) Please provide the following documentation: Business W9 Form Resale Certificate Federal Firearms License(s) (if applicable) File* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB. Please check "I agree" if you agree with Berry's Bullets terms and conditions*Please check “I agree” if you agree with Berry’s Bullets terms and conditions I agree